1 Tahun Sudah!

in , , by dorsett pink, June 11, 2015

Today Farah Leena already turns 1 year old. Happy Birthday to you my princess. U are such a wonderful person that I've met in my lifetime. God already sent you to me by Angel's wing and u are my great gift that I have own in my lifetime.. Nothing can change my love on you.. And definitely you are MY EVERYTHING. Love you more till the end of time and forever for what ever.. Thanks GOD for this great gift..
You were born on June, 11th last year, a week before my birthday and surely, you are my birthday gift that I've been waiting for.. A priceless gift from Allah The Almighty. I was grateful with that...
A year bringing you up is a starting time for a women called "mother". You has changed my life 360 degrees from a person who does know nothing about motherhood into a person who are really "strong" as a "supermom" (perasan...ahakss)... U taught me every single little thing.. and you taught me a lot on time management.... Yess, u are a super great teacher sayang...
Thanks for being my BFF ak.a My Best Friend Forever .... And thanks for always been there for me..
I'm speechless.. and yet, I love you so much till Jannah.. I pray for your happiness, success, and perhaps, u will be anak solehah and become a HAFIZAH one fine day.. My doa always be with you.. May Allah The Mercy protects you in every single minute..as well as May Allah swt grants my Doa.. InshaAllah..
Take Care Sayang.. Daddy and mummy Loves you so much more than forever....
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  1. happy birthday farah leena..:)

  2. salam jumaat, chomey n hepi besday anak dara tuu ;p

  3. Aunty Farrah lambat jenguk sinilah. Happy belated birthday, Farah Leena :)

  4. happy belated birthday princess :-)

  5. Happy belated besday princess..may Alah bless u aand all of us ere n after..aamin

  6. dear, saya jual barang baby kat mudah je. hehe

  7. dah setahun ye FL...bolat...geram rasa nk cubit2 je...hepy belated besday FL cayang
