Tuesday, September 15, 2015

PHD :: Tips to Work Fast

This infograhic I found at Firuz's Blog.
How to work fast..
As I am a person who always got distracted and stuck,
I think this tips would help me a lot in doing my research. 
Thank you so much firuz for your sharing...
I think it also help others as well...


  1. As for kakak here the most important my table must be arrange neatly then the rest of works to be done will follow smoothly. If not definitely miserable.. Good tips:)

  2. saya pun slow jugak nak get to real business huk huk

  3. Interesting! Untuk hasil kerja yg lebih produktif. Saya selalu guna timer juga, Intan. Allocate masa utk buat sesuatu kerja. Kalau dah habis masa yg diperuntukkan, pergi buat kerja lain pula.

  4. selalu curi tulang sbb blog walking.. hihihi

  5. boleh gak apply semasa di opis ni....all the best intan...for your PHD tu..mmg tough

  6. sy pun suka tgk meja sy kemas..baru rasa xserabut...tp bila kemas meja..kejap jer kemas...pastu dah melonggok dokumen....adehhhh....stresss...keje jdi lambat

  7. Dulu masa saya kerja pun buat cm gini.. nak2 opis yg open... kalau tak sumbat telinga dgn earphone, byk gangguan2 lain... hahahha sekarang ni buat gak... bila nak update blog...hahhahaa

  8. Thanks for sharing this! Cuma nak pastikan workplace tu clear agak susah sikit.. hahah..
