Friday, January 22, 2016


Yesterday, my husband gave me a tazkirah as always, but yesterday he focused  on  "PERCEPTION". He just went back to KL from somewhere else (outstation) for business meeting and during his long flight, we watched a movie call "Intern" - if u ever heard about that tittle, for sure u know. But I am not a movie's fan, so I do not know what that movie was about. 

Actually, the word perception came across his mind when we've seen a big advertising board on the roadside.  It just A singboard, tapi tazkirahnya panjang lebar..Ye la, he always gave tazkirah, ceramah and all sort of dakwah approaches to people, thats why he did the same in our family. So secara tak langsung, ilmu agama berkembang dalam komuniti yang kecik ni.That's a part i like about him since he can push me to be a wanita syurga. InshaAllah.

Since i was married with him on day 1,every single day has a business talk in our marriage. "business, business, business" sampai soal makan pun, still "business". Dah nama pun kahwin dengan businessman. Contohnya macam  makan kat luar, he will ask, who owned that restaurant, how much he/she earned per day or per month, how much the production cost and more and more... and even a small stuff , he will ask "made in?". Sebelum ni aku tak pernah kisah pun, barang tu 'made in' mana, janji boleh pakai, boleh jalan, dah Ok, but since married, aku kena ambik tahu dulu barang tu 'made in' mana sebab nanti senang aku nak menjawab dengan en.suami. Why??

Why that sort of question like "made in mana" so important? Because of the PERCEPTION. Like we always think that imported car is much more better than local car. Louis Vuitton's handbag is much more better than Johnny's handbag. Mercedes is better than Toyota.  WHY?? Because of the PERCEPTION. Even that stuff is not really good in quality, but people trust that brand because of the PERCEPTION.

So, he concluded, in this world, its all about PERCEPTION actually even that thing/stuff/brand does not have any quality at all. He gave an example, one research university in Europe did the research on the car's engine and the researchers found that 10 top cars in this world which has no problem with the engine at all was MADE IN JAPAN. So, which car brand made in Japan, u named it. For sure, u will say Honda, Toyota, Mitsubishi and .etc.... It has already proven that Japan's car is the best in the world in terms of the engine..  

But why, people still looking for BMW, Mercedez, Audi.. Why.. why?? because of the PERCEPTION. People thinks  those brand is high quality & elegant that makes people look for it & choose it. 

Same like Gucci, Dior, Hermes, LV, and bla.. bla.. even the quality is the same , but people still choose their trusted brand. And people are willing to put a bulk of their money just to get it.

So, conclusion, in this world, it is very important for us to create a good perception for the people. Like having a good character on ourselves, so people will see us "orang yang baik",  like having a good quality on our stuff or our service, so people will always put an eyes on us. Tapi kalau sebaliknya, orang akan ingat kita sampai bila-bila sebagai orang yang bermasalah. Kalau dalam kes barangan pulak, orang akan ingat sampai bila-bila barang tu teruk / bermasalah walaupun barang yang baru diproduce sangat-sangat bagus kualitinya.. Like Proton.. Why people not choose Proton's car? Contohnya kalau orang tak solat, people akan buat persepsi yang 'dia ni hidup bercelaru, tak takut Tuhan 7 bla.. bla.. , contoh kalau orang tu pakai seksi, terdedah sana-sini, people akan buat persepsi yang 'dia ni tak solat', bila tak solat hidup die pun tak teratur..

So, in the business world, marketting strategy is very important if u wanna create people's perception towards your brand.. Such as "Qu Puteh, Qu puteh barulah puteh".. Sebut jer perkataan tu, orang terus ingat Dato' Sri Vida yang mengerlip lap-lap dengan mahkotanya..

So, just think about it..

The end.. thank you for reading anyway.


  1. persepsi yang baik meninggalkan kesan yang baik dalam diri.. begitu jugak sebaliknya.. ;)

  2. To avoid wrong perception we, ourself must behave well
    But not all our perception is correct. We are human - no one is perfect anyway.
    Especially when judging someone - don't ever judge from the appearance that we can see

  3. Persepsi selalunya berkait dgn kualiti jenama tertentu...persepsi jatuh kdg bukan sbb kualiti juga tapi adahal lain dlm bisnis kot..

  4. In the business world, creating a strong, bold perception is vital. The Toyota VS BMW scenario that u have written is a classical example of how perception plays a pivotal role. To build the perception/brand image, is the hardest thing in business. :)

    1. betul tu Doc.. takes the hard work untuk bina perception tu

  5. Terlajakkkk larissss... Ehhhh tetibaaa... Ha Ha Ha....

  6. I really agree with all of the examples that you'd given. Kita memang patut buat baik apa semua sbb perception orang terhadap kita baik. Saya nak share something boleh? Hehe. Kalau nak delete terus comment saya ni pun takpe hehe. Ada satu lagi jenis perception. Putih itu lawa, gelap itu hodoh. Kurus itu lawa, berisi itu hodoh. Kekadang ada benda yang kita tak boleh hidup berdasarkan perception orang, sbb acano pulak orang gelap tu nak putih kan diri. Plus, Allah jadikan semua manusia unik and ada kelebihan tersendiri. Betul macam akak cakap, having a good character apa semua sbb itu melambangkan diri kita macam mana. Tp bila dari segi appearance, in my opinion, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and not on others' perception. Saya rasa akak pun berfikiran macam tu jugak :)

  7. persepsi..
    sllu bnde pertama yang orang pandang adalah luaran..
    suke dgn entry ni..

  8. but kan kak.. i think perception ni penting cumanya someone kena tahu bezakan.. sama ada nak kekalkan that perception o not.. even after the truth dah tahu pun still kdg2 org nk stick dgn perception yg sama.

    baguslaaa dapat tazkirah always.. ngeh3..

  9. Yes, people are more willing to pay a huge sum of money for their trusted brands.

  10. Especialy for business, memang penting. Sebab tu kena jaga betul-betul. Sekali kita buat benda yang bagus, sampai bila-bila pun persepsi orang terhadap bisnes kita bagus :)

  11. Oh. Lagi satu, alhamdulillah ada pasangan untuk mengingatkan :) :) :)
